Best game Apple Snake 2.0 Best game
Snake Remix
Snake Remix

Bubble snake
Bubble snake

-Jmtb02 Snake-
-Jmtb02 Snake-


Beatbot Boogie
Beatbot Boogie

Snake Remix II
Snake Remix II

Massive Multiplayer Snake
Massive Multiplayer Snake


Snake, with a twist! With 30 levels, 2 speeds and a high score table. Press 'p' to pause.

This is the second game I've ever managed to complete. Usually, I end up working on a game then losing interest after a while. This was mostly an experiment on the drawing API, and I think it turned out pretty well!

3.15 / 5.0 by votes, 6.7 / 10.0 by reviews, 2106 views, 476.8 KB, 550 X 400, ©
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